How To Manage NFT Visibility
Using Pinata Submarine, Hardhat, and Ethers.js
NFTs aren’t just digital pieces of art. They are layered mechanisms for proving ownership, access, rights, and more. NFT avatars (sometimes knows as PFP—ProFile Picture) have been one of the most popular use cases for NFTs. You can see this with CryptoPunks, Bored Ape Yacht Club (BAYC), and more. But the reason they are popular doesn’t end with the profile picture you get access to. These PFP NFTs are membership tokens more than anything else.
Owners of BAYC tokens can update their profile pictures, sure. But they also get exclusive members-only access to content, Discord channels, web pages, and more. The same is true of CryptoPunks and dozens of other PFP projects. This is one of the more interesting use cases for NFTs. The profile avatar portion of this is a fun add-on, but the real reason to own the tokens is exclusive access to other content.
Today, we are going to build a page that is only accessible to members who own a particular NFT. Members will be able to access the page, token ownership will be verified, and they will be able to view a special image that only members have access to. As a verification layer on top, the image will be served using an IPFS CID while remaining private. Members can download the image and easily verify the CID and authenticity.
Let’s get started!
Setting Up
We’re going to use our own ERC721 contract to mint our tokens. We’re doing this because we want to sell the NFTs on the release date through our own site. Randomization is important, and we can only control that if we mint each token at time of purchase.
So, with that in mind, we’re going to need a few things:
- Node.js installed > v12
- A paid plan account on Pinata
- Hardhat installed
- Code editor
- A folder of randomized files that will act as your NFTs
A quick note, most PFP NFT projects use some sort of generative algorithm to create attributes for their NFTs, and some even use an algorithm to create the media files. Such a script is outside the scope of this tutorial. Instead, I am going to create a folder of random Pinatas. I will write a very basic script that determines which Pinata is associated with which token ID.
Ready to start?
Creating the Contract
I always like to start with the smart contract. It’s the easiest to mess up, and it’s the most impactful to your project if you do mess it up. Fortunately, we won’t be modifying much from a standard ERC721 contract.
In a previous post, you saw how to add back in the old setTokenUri
method that used to appear on all ERC721 contracts. In this post, we’re going to leverage the baseUri
variable on the contract and we will set that URI when we deploy our contract.
Let’s get started by creating a folder to house all of our contract and script work.
mkdir pfp-nfts
Change into that directory and run:
npm init -y
Now, we need to install hardhat to help us with our solidity development and deployment. You can install that like this:
npm install -D hardhat
The -D
just tells npm
that this will be a development dependency. If any part of our project needed to be built for production, development dependencies wouldn’t be included.
To help us get up and running with hardhat quicker, they provide a quickstart with a sample project as a guide. To initiate that, run:
npx hardhat
Select basic sample project
and just hit enter through the other questions.
If you open the project folder up in your favorite code editor, you’ll see that our sample project includes a very simple smart contract called Greeter.sol
. This is found in the contracts
folder. We’re not going to use that contract, but feel free to take a look at it to understand what was generated by hardhat.
Back at the command line, we’re going to install OpenZeppelin and grab one of their pre-built and audited contracts.
npm install @openzeppelin/contracts
With that installed, let’s update our Greeter.sol
contract. I’m going to change the name of the contract to PFPinatas.sol
but you can change the name to whatever makes sense for you. Once you’ve made that change, we’re going to replace the contents of the contract with the example OpenZeppelin provides here.
Your file should look like this now:
We’re, of course, not going to keep this. We need to modify a bit to handle our use case. The changes we are going to make are as follows:
- Change the token name
- Initialize a baseURI variable when the contract is deployed
- Override the
method included in the ERC721 contract
That sounds like a lot, but it’s really not. In fact, our updates only add 5 lines to the entire contract. It’s such a small update that I’m going to suggest you just replace the entire file:
In these updates, we have stopped using the ERC721URIStorage
utility. I very much like that OpenZeppelin has started using that in their example, but for the sake of our PFP tutorial, we really do want to use the baseURI
Most PFP projects are working with thousands of files that will become NFTs. You don’t want to have to write a script to upload individual files to the storage provider of your choice when you can upload a single folder. That single folder’s location becomes the baseURI.
We added in a new utility from the Strings
contract. This is because we are overriding the tokenURI
method and needed to make use of the toString()
function. Speaking of which, we modified the base tokenURI
method because we want to return the baseURI
with the tokenId
concatenated. The baseURI
is being set when the contract is deployed. You can see that in the contract’s constructor.
Ok, we have a 31-line smart contract. Not bad at all. Let’s test this thing to make sure it works.
Testing the Contract
You should already have a test
folder that was created when the sample project from hardhat was generated. Inside that folder, there is a file called sample-test.js
. Our first step is to rename the file. Name it something that makes sense for your test. I’m going to just go with pfpinata-test.js
Once you’ve changed the name, take a look at the way tests work. Explore the existing file. Get to know it. Learn to love it. Then destroy it all!
Seriously, though. We’re going to replace the entire file contents with this:
As you can see in my example, I only have two tests. I wanted to test that minting worked and that the correct tokenURI
was returned considering that was something we added an override for in our contract. In reality, you should probably write tests for everything. There are probably some pre-written tests for the ERC721 OpenZeppelin contract you can dig up, but we’re not going to do that here.
To run these tests, return to your command line and enter:
npx hardhat test
You should see an output like this:
I’m feeling pretty confident with our contract, how about you? Let’s figure out how to deploy this to testnet (sorry, folks I don’t have the cash lying around to deploy mainnet contracts for tutorials). Once it’s deployed on testnet, we’ll write a script to mint some tokens to a few different wallet addresses, and then, we can get into the fun of submarining with Pinata.
Deploying the Contract
In order to deploy our contract to testnet, we need to do three things:
- Choose which Ethereum testnet to deploy to
- Make sure we have testnet ETH for that particular testnet
- Update our config file
For the sake of this tutorial, we are going to be using the Rinkeby testnet. So #1 is complete. In order to get testnet ETH for Rinkeby, you can visit the faucet here. When you have that, #2 is complete. On to #3.
Before we move forward, you’ll need to decide how you want to deploy to a live network. There are many Ethereum node providers out there, so you can choose any provider you’d like. As per the Hardhat docs, I’m going to use Alchemy. They have a nice free plan that will work well for us. If you are using a different provider, simply change the API Keys and the RPC URLs accordingly.
Back in your project directory, find the hardhat.config.js
file. You can update it to look like this:
Again, if you are using a different node provider, replace the references to Alchemy with the proper variables from the providers you selected.
is the private key for your Rinkeby testnet wallet where you send funds from the faucet. It is very important that you protect this key. Include it as the variable in your config file, but make sure you do not check that file into a source control system like git.
That’s all the edits we need to make. Of course, when deploying to mainnet, you would follow these steps but with your variables updated to support mainnet instead of testnet.
Now, we just need a script to deploy our contact. Fortunately, we already have a scripts folder thanks to our Hardhat project scaffolding. Find the scripts
folder and take a look at the sample-script.js
file. Let’s rename this file to deploy.js
. We are going to match the pattern in that existing file but update it for our actual contract. You can update your file to look like this:
But WAIT! Do you see that our BASE_URI
variable is empty. We need that before we can deploy our contract.
Uploading Images
Let’s create another file in our scripts
folder called upload.js
In this script, we are going to do a few things. We’re going to generate the metadata for our NFTs, we’re going to upload a folder of images, and we’re going to upload a folder of metadata. If you remember, I am going to be creating NFTs from some pre-designed images. I’m only creating and minting 4 NFTs. The process will be similar for any number of assets you plan to mint. Remember, we are not covering generative algorithms in this post, so I’ll be keeping things simple.
When you name your image files, it’s important to give them names that will correspond to tokenId of minted tokens. In my case, I have just four images, so they would be 1.png, 2.png, 3.png, 4.png
. We need our images named like this because we are going to simplify the metadata creation process with those names. Trust me.
Before we begin, you’ll want to install Axios. It makes the process of making HTTP requests simpler. Since we’re going to be uploading a folder, we need to be able to walk through all the files in our folder to build the data that is posted to Pinata. That requires a couple of additional packages. You should be installing the following:
npm i axios base-path-converter recursive-fs
Now, in your upload.js
file, let’s start by uploading our image files. To keep things as simple as possible, I recommend putting the images folder you plan to use inside of the project directory. Once you’ve done that, you’ll need to go get a JWT from Pinata. You can do that by signing in, going to the Keys page, and generating a new key. Then, update your upload.js
file to look like this:
If you run that script at the command line with node scripts/upload.js
You should see (when it’s done) a printout that includes the CID for your folder.
Uploading Metadata
Now, we can create the metadata for our NFTs. You likely already have a method for doing this, but for the sake of completeness, I’m going to create a script that will generate metadata files for my four tokens. I’ll create that in its own file within the scripts folder, and I’ll call it metadata.js
Because I’m going to be generating random data, I’m going to use a library called faker. That can be installed like this:
npm i faker
Create a metadata folder at the root of your project directory, and then in your metadata.json
file add this code:
This will create a metadata object for each of your NFTs. Again, you will surely be generating your metadata some other way than using a library like faker, but this illustrates how you might want to go about doing it through a script. At the end of the day, my script above was just to make sure I had a folder of metadata I could then upload to Pinata.
Now, let’s use the same upload.js
script we used before. Modify the path
variable to point to your metadata folder. So for me, that is simply changing ./pinatas
to ./metadata
. Once you’ve done that, run your upload script with:
node scripts/upload.js
If you’re creating a project with thousands of files, this upload could take a while. But guess what you’re going to get back when it’s done? That’s right—it’s the CID for your smart contract’s baseURI
The full URI should look like this: YOUR_CUSTOM_GATEWAY_URL/ipfs/METADAT_FOLDER_CID
With that URI in hand, I think it’s time to deploy our contract to testnet.
Really Deploying The Contract Now
We previously set up our hardhat.config.js
file with the proper keys (wallet and Ethereum node) so that we could deploy to the rinkeby testnet. Now, we just need to update our deploy script to use the baseURI
we just created.
To deploy, go back into your scripts/deploy.js
file and update the baseURI variable with the baseURI we constructed above. Then, run this command:
npx hardat run scripts/deploy.js --network rinkeby
If all goes well, you’ll see the contract address printed at the command line. Congratulations! You’ve come a long way. But we’re not done yet. Save that contract address because we will need it for this next part.
Before we move on, let’s make things easy on ourselves for testing and mint an NFT from our new contract into our wallet. Create one more file in the script
folder and call it mint.js
. The file should look like this:
You can run this with the following command:
npx hardhat run scripts/mint.js --network rinkeby
These last two scripts are the most common places you might hit some trouble, so I’ve put a little troubleshooting guide together here:
One final thing we can do now is check that our wallet holds the NFT as we expect it to. Let’s create a small script to check the owner of a token ID.
Run the script with:
npx hardhat run scripts/getOwner.js --network rinkeby
This should print out your Rinkeby wallet address.
Serving Protected Content Based on NFT Ownership
UPDATE: Thanks to @Cr0wn_Gh0ul for spotting a way to get access to content even if you don’t actually own the token. The details are in the link below, and the examples here have been updated with the fix. 🤝
Now that we have deployed our contract and minted it, we are going to create some “members-only” content that will be accessible to those that own an NFT from our contract. To do this, I’m going to create a simple Next.js app so that we have client and server functionality. Here’s a high-level summary:
- React app that uses Metamask for authentication and transaction signing
- Backend that verifies signed message
- Backend that checks if token is owned by address
- Serve content if it is owned
- Reject if not
This is where Pinata’s new Submarining functionality really shines. Let’s create our Next.js app, and then we’ll get into the details. From the command line in the root of your project, run:
npx create-next-app pfp-client
This will create a new Next.js project inside your existing directory. Change into that directory with cd pfp-client
. I’m going to keep this simple and rely on Metamask and the injected window.ethereum
object on the client-side. But on the server, we need ethers.js
and a helper library called ethereumjs-util
. Since we are going to need to post data to our backend server, let’s also install axios
npm i ethers ethereumjs-util axios uuid next-iron-session
Once all that is installed, let’s take a break from code for a couple of minutes, and let’s submarine some content on Pinata!
Submarining on Pinata
Go to your Pinata account. Remember, you have to be on a paid plan to access submarining. Once there, go to the file manager page. Click Upload, then choose File. You’ll be walked through the upload process. On Step 2, make sure to toggle on the submarine option.
I am going to be submarining an awesome (epilepsy warning: flashing images and bright colors) Pinata gif. You can choose something more practical, but for the sake of this tutorial, I’m keeping it simple. When you finish the upload, you’ll see a CID in the interface. Copy that and save it somewhere. We’ll need it soon.
Once the file is uploaded, you’ll need to go generate an API key. Submarining is a beta feature of our new infrastructure. Click the avatar menu dropdown in the top-right, then click V2 API Keys. Once there, generate a new key. Copy that key and save it somewhere because we’re about to get back to coding.
Coding Our Gated Content Site
Before we start, let’s find in our root project directory the artifacts
folder. In that, you should see a contracts
folder. Inside that folder, you should have a folder called PFPinatas.sol
. Copy the PFPinatas.json
from within that folder. Paste it into the root of your pfp-client
folder. We’re doing this because we need access to the contract ABI.
Now, from the default Next.js setup in our pfp-client
folder, we are only going to edit two existing files. I’m trying to keep this example as minimal as possible. In Next.js, our server-side code is housed under the pages/api
folder. The React app is in our pages.index.js
file. We are going to update pages/api/hello.js
and pages/index.js
. Simple, right?
First thing you want to do is update the pages/api/hello.js
to be names pages/api/verify.js
. Now, let’s update our pages/index.js
file. We’re going to keep all our React code in a single file, but you can refactor this however you see fit. Here’s the code (don’t worry, we’ll walk through it all).
I mentioned this earlier, but again, we are using the window.ethereum
object injected by Metamask. That’s the first thing we check for and set as a state variable. We also make sure to request the user’s Ethereum account immediately. This forces an unlock of Metamask if it is masked. We also have a state variable for the secret URL to the piece of content we want members to be able to access. The server will provide this if you own the NFT. The final state variable is isPFPinata
. This is an indicator to update the UI.
We then have a function called handleProveIt
. This function will call our server and request a message to be signed. The user will be prompted to sign it. Once signed, the signature data is then sent to the server. The server is where this message will be verified. Assuming the user has properly signed and the user owns the NFT, the server will respond with a URL with an access token for the gated content. Otherwise, the server will throw a 401
error. We set the isPFPinata
variable accordingly.
The rest of the code is just UI with a button to trigger the handleProveIt
function. I did a little styling and added the Pinata logo and favicon. Here’s what my page looks like:
Now, this won’t do anything yet. We need to wire up our server code to handle the request. Let’s do that now. Head over to your pages/api/verify.js
file and add the following:
This file looks daunting, and it is. But such is the nature of verifying signed messages. We are doing the following in this file:
- Generating a unique message to be signed on each GET request
- Setting a session cookie for that unique message
- Returning the message to be signed to the client
- Checking to see if the POST request includes the right signed message
- Using
to verify the signature - Verifying that the signer is the correct wallet address
- Checking to see if the address owns the appropriate NFT
- Generating an access token if so
- Returning the submarined content gateway URL
Whhheeeeew. That’s a lot.
Look the code over a few times. Take it all in. Then implement it. It’s a lot, but it’s necessary to verify signature data.
A quick note on hard-coded variables: a lot of the server-side variables should be env variables. That’s outside the scope of this tutorial, but Next.js has a great env process.
OK, let’s run the app. In your command line, run:
npm run dev
This should load up our gated content page. You will likely be prompted the first time to unlock Metamask and provide your account address. Try clicking the button on the page. If the account you’re using owns one of the NFTs we created, you should see the gated content displayed on the screen:
But what happens if you don’t own the NFT? Remember that placeholder for a funny gif? This is where the gif gets to shine. Here’s mine:
If you’re interested in the full source code for this tutorial, it’s located here. I did not set environment variables, so you’ll need to do that or just update the placeholder variables in the code.
Wrapping Up
This was a long post, but I hope it got you excited. I hope your creative juices are flowing. How can you leverage this with your NFT projects? What cool things can you build?
Pinata Submarining opens up a whole new world of functionality to the NFT space. Happy submarining!