Hey Damien,
That’s interesting! The performance problem I saw with long documents in Quill was that editing in the middle of the document became nearly impossible. Both frameworks slowed down anywhere from a small bit to a lot depending on the size of a document.
I just tested with a 75,000 word novel again today and the Slate demo editor couldn’t even handle pasting in a document that long. Quill did eventually load up the text but was incredibly slow. Maybe Quill has made some improvements?
I suspect that contenteditable-based editors are going to have a hard time handling that much data. Google’s own editor is a custom engine not based on contenteditable (as far as I can tell). Medium doesn’t use contenteditable and can handle large documents easily.
It’s a significant problem when building a professional editor where users should be able to write documents of any length. Keep me posted on your progress!